"My breath is a red bird

In auburn sky of  your hair i

I'm taking you in my lap

Your legs are growing indescribably long

My breath is becoming a red horse

 I understand from the burning of my face

We are poor our nights are too short

We need to make love rapidly

When watching Gaspar Noe's film "LOVE",  Poet Cemal Süreyya strings come to mind. Just as Cemal Süreyya did not avoid his word, Noe did not avoid his camera.

We are talking about a film about the sensual journey of two people who are passionately connected to each other. The details of this journey are at the core of the film.

The actors make love like real lovers from the beginning to the end of the film, and we are witnessing this firsthand.

It would be meaningless to think that two young people who dreamed of becoming painters and filmmakers were living the life of priests and nuns in Paris anyway. Long before Gaspar Noe, Puccini had already introduced us to these extreme hearts in Paris in his magnificient opera La Boheme.

Nevertheless, it is not an expected thing to be so outspoken for a film that appeals to the general audience.

In any case, maybe that's why this movie found much more attention on Netflix than it didn't get in movie theaters. Of course, we are not talking about Netflix Turkey . Of course, it was up to Mubi to publish the film for us. Although it is a difficult choice even for MUBI under Turkish conditions, fortunately, MUBI neither makes much effort to promote itself nor the sensibilities of people who follow Mubi are not those that are easily hurt.

If the name of a film of more than 2 hours, which has a script of only 7 pages, is "Love", and the if  people   make love nonstop this means we are close to understand the meaning of word  love. Love is the climax of emotional harmony between two people with sensual union.

If we express it in the words of another poet :

" Death is a life lived alone,

Love is for two people."

We witness the two lovers at the center of the film later succumbing to their fantasies and making love to other people as well.

Then we should say that all love is making love, but not all making love is love.

Moreover, these pirate lovemaking will also lead to demise  of giant love . Just like in La Boheme.

In fact, the Love movie, despite all its audacity and the images of immorality it evokes in the viewer, ultimately evolves into a moralistic message and praise of monogamy.

Why do two people who are so in love with each other and making love with such intimacy seek pleasure in being with other bodies?

The pleasure found in other bodies is nothing more than the smoke of a fire that destroys love, which poisons and Junks lovers.

If he knew that he was writing a story about the consumption  of transcendent bodies  maybe Gaspar Noe, whom we know, would take a look at the film again and try to revise the moralistic main idea.

Bodies imprisoned by pleasure obesity also deconstruct the exchange of emotions between souls just as vessels covered with fat stop the flow of blood.  

The bodies that meet in the soft timbre of Bach's Goldberg and Satie's Gnossienne part ways accompanied by psychedelic songs.

Gaspar Noe tells us that sometimes it is necessary to stay clothed to protect Love, provided that there is a love to be protected nearby





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