One article was not enough, I felt I had to write the second one to explain the decision to leave. Or rather, it forced itself to write the article. I was just a middleman. I didn't try to look for words, build sentences.

Let's leave aside the political one, there is not even a crumb of the social one in this film.  Even if we go back to the roots and dive into Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment”, we don't come across a crumb.

In a detective story, it is actually impossible to stay away from the socia  to build a story.

”The Decision to Leave" is the impossible story.

That's exactly why it's perfect. This is the perfection of fairy tales. if you listen to them 100 times, you won't get bored. I'm not saying you can watch this movie 100 times.  In any case, movies are not transmitted from ear to ear like fairy tales. When they are watched, they consume a lot of things. The visual one is more volatile than the auditory one. The mind shapes the corners. It places hard and right angles.

It is possible to watch many times without getting bored in any of them; this impossible story that is not a fairy tale; an improbable adventure.

The film is unspeakable, and that's exactly what I didn't touch in the previous article.  The effort to describe the film hit a wall and the words melted on that wall.

There were some events in the world that could only happen to two people, and this movie was just about that. Everything that happens to two people is impossible for others. If it is impossible even for them, then this is an even more remote possibility.

A song of a Turkish singer Zerrin comes to my mind :

“We live in the same city without ever meeting.

We are always looking at the same sea with others..

The same white clouds are passing over us,

We choose the same star, perhaps unknowingly..

We make love in the same rains separately.

We go through the same roads at different times

We miss each other in the same spring..

The same love we can't have with others!..

Stay in the same city with me all the time, please don't go!

There are also such separations, there is no such place as far away!

The sky we share brings us together..”

How many impossible lives there are in the same city that come together under the same sky without ever meeting.  Moreover, sometimes even one city does not interrupt this symphony of impossibility, and we need  another city   to prove this.

The result is the same.

Whatever Zero  means in multiplication, it is same for intersection set in impossible lives. The result will be the same and meaninglessness prevails no matter where you go. The search for meaning is in vain. It only increases the tragedy, deepens it and at some point puts a blind stopper.

In the words of thinker Oruç Aruoba, “It is a spotless love that lies in the sorrows”. The spotless one is the fastest polluting one With Özdemir Asaf's immortal expression: "All Colors were getting dirty at Same Speed and They Gave the First Place to White"

I think I should understand the Decision to Leave now as one of the films of philosophy, not sociology or politics. Therefore, the first version I have depicted is not enough. The impossibility of the story did not convince me so that it would make the writing convincing.

Yes, decisions were made to leave, a stance against life was shown, but all of this is just a signature thrown into the void, because if there is no such place as far, far is actually always within us and its trace is on us. If it just sufficient to share the same sky, what does life mean to you?

If souls are already hurt in a fragile universe, no good will come of them anymore. The chains get tighter as they move. The only thing that will correct a hurt soul may be the endless state of loneliness.

The dark past story that I passed by in the first article was actually the point where the film broke. It was precisely this cloud of fog from the past that hurt, wounded the soul. Not exactly that, but it would be incomplete without writing what happened at the end of it. It must be a fatal mistake to skip the past in Park's films. 

On the other hand, it is nothing but technology and visuals that distinguish a film woven with impossibility from a fairy tale. 

Nevertheless, it is of course the artistic expression skill in these that gives the feeling that you are watching a real story, not a fairy tale.





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