It is one of the first lines that comes to mind when World War I is mentioned :

 “All quiet on the Western Front.”  

Although World War II is remembered with at least some benefit in human history for its success in ensuring the defeat of fascism, Such a benefit of the World War I is not considered.

For example, if you go to England in late November, you will see a ferret on everyone's collar. The British   Commemorates those who died in the war in the days at the end of November. When I went to England, I attended such a commemoration in a chapel in Cambridge.  For the Brits, I had realized that the destruction of 17 million people who died in the war was seen as a preventable fight.

There is Nothing New about the 2022 Western Front As a film shot in German by a German director, it brings another dimension to the first cycle of Remarque's immortal work, made in 1930.

“There is Nothing New on the Western Front”, a concept engraved in the minds of people, gives the horrors of war in the most realistic way with the help of modern cinema and effects techniques. Of course, it's not just realistic battle scenes that make you feel like you are so close and involved in the war.  The film reveals the extent and personal nature of the tragedy with searing scenes that show that the war is a sum of individual deaths.

The only concern of commanders who decide on behalf of the death of others is the honor of military service, and this honor can only be preserved by fighting. Although it is preferable to win, you should fight, even if you lose. It is a drama for the commander, who is sorry that he came to life late because he did not see enough wars, to pass 50 years without a war. For the commander, whose father was a soldier like himself, the way of the hero who entered Paris in 1871 (who disbanded the Commune) is not to surrender, but to fight until the last soldier dies, that is, to stand at the head of the combatants. That is exactly why he does not hold back from sending his soldiers to their deaths even in the last 15 minutes of the war.

The fluency of the film, the disturbing level of authenticity of the violence will impress those who watch. However, the main thing in this film is the unchanging nature of war and the intense trauma it leaves in human lives.

Why does humanity need war? Is it possible to benefit from a war that is “a murder if not self-defense”, as Atatürk found himself in his terse phrase? Is it fair that while the lives of ordinary people are being destroyed, not even a hair of those who decided on this war are harmed?

The answer to all these questions was already in 1929, when the scars of war were fresh. The Western Front, which reinforces the general meaninglessness of the war, is no more than a 300-meter scene of the destruction of 3 Million soldiers who lost their lives in a frontline battle where nothing has changed.

Political and war historians may interpret the balance on the Western Front differently. It can explain the meaning and importance of this Front for the warring parties. But as Remarque has written, it is unlikely to explain this meaning to the 3 Million soldiers who perished on the Western Front and their relatives. We have the summary of extinction in a theater of horror where nothing has changed.

Whoever glorifies war or conflict must experience it first by taking part in a war and then by disappearing in it.

It can be said that today wars are waged with technology, soldiers have turned into professionals who prefer this task.However, the result still does not change. War is an all-out attack carried out against the instinct of life, which is the most basic motivation of man.

There is no doubt that the traces of the sufferings experienced in wars have contributed to the fact that humanity has been striving since 1945 to preserve global peace. However, the vast majority of the witnesses of these wars are no longer living. And humanity forgets these pains and continues to open new pains and wounds.

There is Nothing New on either the West or Any Other Front





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