Few people who have watched The Silence of the Lambs remember the role of the Lambs in the film, which gave the film its name. 

For Christians, the escatalogical value of the lamb is many. We also like little loved ones as lambs, and call those we have a little compassion for, as lambs.

A lamb is a sheep's cub. Any lamb who doesnt turn into Cutlets, skewers , cutlets from minced meat, etc. will become sheep. Therefore,  being lamb is a temporary state of existence. Being like a lamb is no so bad, but being like a sheep is not that good.

There have not been many sheep left in nature since humans domesticated sheep. There are mountain goats, but mountain sheep are much less. After all, the goat's abilities are much greater than the sheep's, and it is not one of them to wander so much on mountain slopes.

Humanity has turned the world into its kingdom by subjugating everything organic and inorganic to itself. There is no organic and inorganic world existence that human intelligence cannot transform.

From Grass toTrees, Slugs to Elephants, Anchovies to Whales, Mosquitoes to Eagles, all of nature is either a servant of man, or a prisoner, or a subject who is waiting for his turn with greatest respect.

The human kingdom has taken over nature and made everything work for itself, regardless of whether it consumes oxygen or not.

As a person, we can't be more proud of this. With our intelligence, we have made the world not just a home for ourselves, but a palace.We are  not surprised that Iceland goes beyond and  even on a mountainside far from everyone and everything he farms . A person like me who lives within the apartment buildings ocean of Istanbul, the surprise lasts very short before the picture that we described in the introduction.

 After all, the activity that we witnessed with the birth of spring lambs in the sheep-filled corral of a harmless farmer couple is quite ordinary. After all, we must be happier  for the agricultural revolution of centuries.

 We give grass to the sheep, and they give us their meat, milk, and wool. That's fair, isn't it?

 Is it necessary for our couple to do harmless farming activities in such a remote corner? Of course it's not. But they preferred it, and even if it was Iceland, man is the same person, and he started the fight against nature with a 3-0 lead.

 We understand that one of the spring lambs is born differently from the known and accustomed lambs. Of course, we don't understand what's different about it. To understand this, it is necessary to wait for the arrival of   husband's punk brother. We see that the lamb, who has become an individual of the house , is half human, half lamb, and  the dosage of our concerns about the story goes up.

 Before we understand this, we witness the slaughter of the sheep, the mother of the lamb, by the woman of the house. She was shot in the forehead due to maternal competition.

 They get rid of mom, but where is dad?Is there a father? Where did this lamb come from? Or was he fatherless, like Agnus Dei. Was he the child of a virgin bride? Or was it the product of a genetic mistake and a perverted zoophile?

 All these explanations are quite normal for a species that sees the world as its own. If the world belongs to us, the explanations should belong to us.

 Well, if the world doesn't belong to us that much?Either the world was given to us so that we could share it, or, in the right words, we have to share the world.

 The importance of lamb for mankind is manifested precisely in the fact that it gives the answer to this question. If a half-lamb gives birth to a half-human lamb, what could be more natural than for his father to be half-human and half-sheep, and for the remote mountains of Iceland it  will be a very good habitat for him.

 You believe that you have a half-lamb, half-human child, but you don't even think that he-she may have a father like himself or herself.

 In addition to the many macro mistakes that we make with the mistake of thinking that the blue planet is completely our own just because we have a lot of sanity, we should not feel too angry about this micro error of a couple who have probably lost their own toddler ie Ada

 Innocent lambs evoke only a sense of ownership for people of agricultural society who have lost their innocence. The time to face this pain and call it theft, as Proudhon put it, is now, if not immediately after watching “Lamb”. 





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