The state, religion, family and all social structures have already discovered the most severe weakness of an intelligent creature who has lived in a 5 billion-year-old solar system for a maximum of 80-100 years. The biggest of the existential problems of man is the feeling of guilt. If we behave well, we will become good citizens, we will go to heaven, our family loves us very much, we will achieve success in our businesses etc. We shouldn't even think about doing evil, let alone doing it.After all, the greatest judge of a person is nothing but his conscience? If that's the case, it's enough for us to even think about evil so that we can get punished.

So what is good? What is bad?Who will decide this?

For ages, the dominant power that has taken the hegemony of the good into its hands has   done its best to subject people to the good. Of course, we are talking about the order that man established after the famous agrarian revolution. Villages, towns, cities, princes, kings, sultans, sheikhs, priests, popes . The wheel, which began to turn when a person who came out of his primitive commune, that is, from his village, stepped into a class society, has recorded the last 5 thousand years of history as the most exciting and painful period for humanity. The last 5 thousand years of humanity are the story of its socialization in essence.

It has always been the easiest part of the job to play to the most obvious of people's weaknesses and the deepest of their fears while drawing the sidelines of this socialization. In order to keep everyone in their rightful place within the scarce resource rule of the economy, the authority has made the greatest effort and applied the simplest method to keep people away from evil: punishment and reward.

Society has preferred to make individuals pay for their inconsistencies in an easier way, that is, instead of transforming  social  inconsistencies. And it has continued to do so for as long as it can.

I never forget the words of my teacher Umit Hassan: “In primitive communal society, the prison fountain would not flow from the side. Because there was no prison in primitive society!” When we add what Foucault wrote on the prison, the picture is actually completed.

Humanity's relationship with religion has been recorded in history as a vivid example of this situation. Religion has managed to establish his pressure and power by saying that it is bad for a person. It kept thepressure alive no matter what religion it is, and that the only way to get rid of  is to adapt himself to the desired order. It will not be wrong to state that this order, which we have seen the most extreme in history and today, from the priests of the Inquisition to the Taliban, also exists and continues to have its traces among these extremes. Especially  the family institution plays the most  important role here.

Because religion is the institution that guarantees people the most direct reward and punishment.  Of course, social pressure does not take its power only from religion, but it creates a sense of guilt in the psyche of individuals . In the projection of his story, which dates back to the present, which sees the responsibility for the natural disasters that have befallen humanity in its own sins, it has been largely relegated to the background to feel guilty for the natural events explained by science.But in the small world of man, disasters never stop. And there are many who devour themselves for this.

The idea behind the tense, supernatural story of the Thelma movie is actually hidden in humanity's inability to overcome a prejudice that, in Einstein's words. While it can manage to break down an atom. The main character of the film Thelma,   believes that the evils experienced by her are  her own fault and her religious father convinces her that the evil is in her.

All the evils that pass through Thelma's mind come true. This is Thelma's fault, because she dreamed of bad things. Prejudices and the suspicion that everything that happens to a person is natural continue to exist as concepts that hollow out a person and make him hostile to himself. This is the success of not only religion, but also the efforts of those who institutionalized and froze it for many centuries, together with the state mechanism. The family, on the other hand, plays its role by reproducing the pressure in this area.

watching the 2017 Norwegian film Thelma, you once again witness that everything that has kept a person from being his own throughout human history has consumed a person. Call it religion, call it the State, call it the holy family, it doesn't matter.

The secret is love, and everything that love is not is actually the fire itself that burns a person.

If we say it in the language of Roumi :

"If you don't have the strength to resist the lovers;

Then why are you marveling at love, don't do.

O one for whom heaven is in the hands of hell,

That's how you're making heaven a hell for us, don't.”





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