Memory makes us human.

So what exactly is memory? Is memory just a set of instructions that lead us to do what we do right?

Memory is actually a person's home, which he always returns to.

Memory comes to us with thresholds. The cycle between mothers and daughters is perhaps the highest and most insurmountable of these thresholds. A mother    is connected to her daughter  by the strongest ties which are invisible and vice versa

As in that funny riddle, 2 mothers and 2 daughters are actually 3 people but appear as 4 people.

The French film "Petite Maman" has 2 mothers and 2 daughters, and 4 people. But this time it's really 4 people, not figuratively. The deceased is the mother, the elder is the “mother”, the younger is the “mother” and the daughter.

Sezai Karakoç has placed the trace left by the deceased mothers on the following 4 strings:

“When the mother dies, the child

In the loneliest corner of the garden

A black rod in her hand

A little stain on her mouth”

It is unfortunate that the French director who shot this film did not know Sezai Karakoc, because he almost made a film of the poem.

Plunging into the memories of the past in the loneliest corner of the garden, the “Big” Little Mother can not stand the burden of these memories after a while and disappears.

According to the narrative, getting lost is a state of going beyond metaphor. However, in fact, she has turned into a Little Mother who is no longer “Big” and has taken refuge in the loneliest corner of the garden.

”The fact that we need time is so that not everything happens at the same time," Einstein says. Everything can happen at the same time if time does not spare him.

But the intensity of memories and the weight of pain can bend time, and the past and the future intersect. This is what the movie tells us.

The story turns into an improvised film in which the twin brothers play the Little Mother and Daughter, leaving the children almost alone in front of the camera. Of course, this is not to be unfaithful to the script. The fact that two sisters approach each other as mother and daughter at the same age adds depth to the film.

The story of the mother who returned to her childhood with the feeling of defying the flow of time and the daughter who met her should actually be a dream.

It is a common dream that the little girl shares her mother's pain, and her mother's desire to return to her own past. Can it be true what happened in a miraculous forest? Considering that, mother erased this girl, whom she met just before going to the surgery, from her mind in the trauma of the surgery, that's very possible. On the other hand, we are talking about an actual  little girl who will engrave in her mind that she sees her mother as a little girl for the rest of her life.

The common denominator of all these uncertainties is endless cycle of life. Mothers give their energy to each other by sharing the same memory with their daughters and their daughters through the time.

Motherhood is an instinctive partnership and inherited from mother to daughter. The disappearance of traces of this heritage, that is, the moment of loss of the ring in the chain, is such a great trauma that sometimes one devotes herself to how to reject it.

For the granddaughter who cannot say goodbye to her grandmother, this meeting will be a farewell occasion, while the mother, who is experiencing real loss on the other hand, can at least comfort her soul with this cyclical meeting.

It is decently said that Little Anne, who goes back and forth between a ghost story and a Fairy Tale, actually shows us the poetic face of cinema.

And poetry is always a little bit the work of fairies.





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